Pharmaceutical Innovation Ltd is different because of our consumer focused accessibility tools. Our goal is to improve and ensure accessibility by revolutionizing the way pharmaceuticals are dispensed, packaged and managed.

Our Products are designed to :

  • Empower patients with disabilities to identify, understand and track medications that they use.
  • Assist emergency personnel to track history of prescriptions or medication consumption.
  • Reduce medication consumption errors for consumers.
  • Eliminate millions of unnecessary injury or death.
  • Relay information to family caregiver to track medication management.

By the Numbers

“ The number of people with vision loss represents more than the amount of people with breast cancer, prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s combined. Blindness and vision loss also cost our economy more than 15 billion annually and will probably increase over time.”

Who we are

We are an innovation organization committed to providing new products and services. Our products are designed to provide better medication safety and accessibility for consumers

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